Sunday, 6 October 2013

Make a Wi-Fi Extender

Plagued by unreliable Wi-Fi connectivity? Just found a cheap and relatively easy way to boost a wireless routers signal strength by creating a simple parabolic reflector dish to direct Wi-Fi signals to your intended receivers.

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Step 1: Gather Required Materials

Materials Needed:

- Paper

- Foil

- Scissors

- Glue

- Template Parabolic Reflector Template

Step 2: Assemble Your Wi-Fi Extender

Print out the template on a sheet of regular paper. You can actually scale the image to a larger size while maintaining the relative dimensions for a stronger focus. First, cut out the template pieces, then use a glue stick to affix foil to the front of each piece. Use a knife to make cuts on the indicated slits and bend the reflector to fit the six tabs into the respective holes.

Step 3: Attach onto the Router

Slide the booster over the existing antenna of your router and point it in the desired direction.

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